Over Under Basketball

Total: As called the over/under, it’s a number set by oddsmakers that approximates the number of points that will be scored in the game by both teams combined. So if the ‘total’ is 156.5. Understanding Basketball Over/Unders Basketball betting using straight bets can be placed either over or under. Basketball over/under bets generally refer to the extent by which the total score of the games, after aggregating the individual scores of the teams, will exceed the.
up and un*der
What Is The Definition Of Up And Under In Basketball?
1. This is an offensive move in basketball when the player fakes out the defender by acting like they are going up for a shot, but doesn’t. Once the defender leaves their feet and jumps, the player with the ball then ducks and moves around the defender for a shot attempt.
Examples Of How Up And Under Are Used In Commentary

Over Under Basketball Betting
1. James drives into the paint and gives the center the old up and under before making the layup.
SportsLingo Goes The Extra-Inch With The Meaning Of Up And Under
The up and under move in basketball is very effective for a player who is a good jump shooter. If a player is able to get their jump shot going well early in the game, their defender will be more prone to falling for their shot fake, therefore allowing them to move under and around them.
Although any player on the floor can utilize this move, the up and under is extremely effective for those who are working the low post. If the offensive player can get their hook or fadeaway dropping early in the game, they can then try the up and under move for a high-percentage layup.
Sport The Term Is Used
Over Under Basketball Dribbling
1. Basketball