Odds Of Flopping A Set Average ratng: 3,6/5 1897 reviews

Here are some important probabilities in Omaha that returns in different situations. Knowledge about probabilities will help you to better evaluate situations in poker. You will , for example, know when you should call and when you shouldn't, and, vice versa, know when to fold and when the odds are in your favor.

Table 1. Playing situations
Drawing hands probabilitiesOddsPercent
Double wraparound straight draw (e.g. hand: 9-8-5-4, flop: 7-6-x)0.48-168%
Wraparound straight draw (e.g. hand: 8-5-4-x, flop: 7-6-x)0.67-160%
Straight flush draw0.84-154%
Hitting a full house with three pairs 3-124%
Hitting a full house with two pairs5.1-116.5%
Hitting quads with a set21.5-14.5%

Starting hands

There are many starting hands in Omaha (16.432 if not all suit combinations are counted), which makes it difficult to get an overview. Table 2 will hopefully increase that overview a bit.

Table 2. Starting hand versus average hand
A-A-K-K double suited to win against average hand73%
A-A-K-K rainbow to win against average hand68%
A-A-7-7 double suited to win against average hand72%
A-A-7-7 rainbow to win against average hand67%
A-A-J-T double suited to win against average hand76%
A-A-J-T rainbow to win against average hand71%
J-T-9-8 double suited to win against average hand56%
J-T-9-8 rainbow to win against average hand49%

The following Texas Holdem odds table highlights some common probabilities that you may encounter in Hold'em. It is not vital that you learn these probabilities, but it is useful to be aware of the chances of certain situations arising. Flopping a set (with pockets). 11.8%: 7.5 to 1: Paired Board: 2 players, probability of trips. A few places online state that the chances of flopping a set with pocket pairs is around 11.5 - 11.8%. However I cannot find an in-depth explanation of the calculation that would help me modify the calculation I will use in my program. Can someone please explain to me where I'm going wrong in. Odds of flopping 2 Pair or better with an unpaired starting hand = 4.1%. So, although it’s relatively unlikely we’ll flop exactly 2 Pair, we’ll actually flop Two Pair or better roughly once in every 25 flops we see. Unlike flopping Two Pair, the Two Pair plus odds, do change based on the type of hand. There are three cards on the flop, so three cards will be drawn from a total of 50 cards (we hold two of them in our hand already.) You have 7.5:1 odds of flopping a set (or quads). Catching set by the river with any two paired cards?


Exemple of a double suited hand: Q♥ A♥ 2♦ K♦
Exemple of a rainbow hand: Q♥ A♣ 2♠ K♦
The best Omaha hands are less bigger favorites against an average hand compared to Texas Hold'em.
In Texas Hold'em, common knowledge is that A-A is very big favorite against all other hands. In Omaha, A-A as a part of a hand is far from that strong. In general, an A-A-x-x hand versus a random four-card hand is a 70-30 favorite in average (if all the starting hands that are normally folded are excluded, the A-A-x-x hands will be even less favorites).

The probability of hitting a Set with pocket pairs increases to 18% from 11.8%, and the probability of hitting an open-ended Straight by the River also increases to 48% in 6+ Hold’em compared with 31.5% in traditional Hold’em. Let’s now have a look at some of the pre-flop all-in hand situations.

Made hands versus draws

A typical feature in an Omaha Hi game is a set against a hand with several drawing possibilities. The made hand will not be a very big favorite (sometimes it is an underdog), so the recommended strategy is to play fast and bet/raise the pot in these situations.

Table 3. Made hand versus drawing hand
Top set against flush draw70%-30%
Middle set against flush draw70%-30%
Top set against flush draw + two pairs68%-32%
Set against wraparound straight draw52%-48%
Set against double wraparound straight draw53%-47%
No decimals are used. The numbers are only approximal.


Factors that can affect the odds are for example blocking cards.

Flush draws versus straight draws

In Omaha, hands with flush draws are often more likely to win than straight draws.

Table 4. Drawing hands
Flush draw against wraparound60%-40%
Flush draw against double wraparound55%-45%
No decimals are used. The numbers are only approximal.


Since that many cards are in action, there are often combined possibilities, which makes it hard to give general percentages. A hand with a flush draw has mostly something else, like a pair or a straight draw as well.

Related article:Omaha strategy

The craziest thing happened to me while playing a home game online last night. I was heads up with a buddy of mine and was severely short stacked(I had around 8K he had around 65K). I got dealt pocket 7s and went all in and he quickly called with Queens. I hit a set on the flop to stay alive. Next hand I get 7s again and go all in and he calls with Q8. He hits the queen on the flop but I hit a set of 7s on the flop again to win the hand. The very next hand I get pocket 7s again and raise, my buddy calls. I flop a set of 7s a third time! When we get to the river, I win against his AK(he hit a K on the flop to stay in the hand).
My question is: what are the odds of flopping a set with the same pocket pair 3 times in a row?
The wizard answered a previous question about what are the odds of getting the same pocket pair 3 times in a row(.000142108 or 1 in 7037):
So would I take this number and multiply it by the chances of flopping a set 3 times(.12 * .12 * .12 = .001728)? When I multiply those numbers together I get .00000024192 or 1 in 4,133,598.
By the way, I did come back from an 8 to 1 deficit to win the game, mostly due to those 7s!
Thanks for this post from:

The craziest thing happened to me while playing a home game online last night. I was heads up with a buddy of mine and was severely short stacked(I had around 8K he had around 65K). I got dealt pocket 7s and went all in and he quickly called with Queens. I hit a set on the flop to stay alive. Next hand I get 7s again and go all in and he calls with Q8. He hits the queen on the flop but I hit a set of 7s on the flop again to win the hand. The very next hand I get pocket 7s again and raise, my buddy calls. I flop a set of 7s a third time! When we get to the river, I win against his AK(he hit a K on the flop to stay in the hand).
My question is: what are the odds of flopping a set with the same pocket pair 3 times in a row?

The probability of getting a third card matching a pocket pair in the flop is 1 - (48/50 x 47/49 x 46/48) = 144 / 1225.
The probability of getting the same pocket pair in 3 consecutive hands is 1/17 (the probability of getting a pocket pair in the first hand) x 1/221 (the probability of getting the same pocket pair in the next hand) x 1/221 (the probability of getting the same pocket pair in the third hand) = 1 / 830,297.
OOPS - corrections are in red
The overall probability = (144 / 1225)^3 x 1 / 830,297 = about 1 / 511,000,000

Odds Of Flopping A Set In Omaha

Note that this applies to three specific hands, and not necessarily any three consecutive hands in a session.
Assuming you are dealt a pocket pair, the probability of getting a third card on the flop and then being dealt the same pair and getting a third card on the flop in both of the next two hands is this multiplied by 17, or about 1 / 30,000,000
Last edited by: ThatDonGuy on Apr 8, 2020
Odds of flopping a set over set

The probability of getting a third card matching a pocket pair in the flop is 1 - (48/50 x 47/49 x 46/48) = 144 / 1225.
The probability of getting the same pocket pair in 3 consecutive hands is 1/17 (the probability of getting a pocket pair in the first hand) x 1/221 (the probability of getting the same pocket pair in the next hand) x 1/221 (the probability of getting the same pocket pair in the third hand) = 1 / 830,297.
The overall probability = 144 / 1225 x 1 / 830,297 = about 1 / 7,063,290.
Note that this applies to three specific hands, and not necessarily any three consecutive hands in a session.
Assuming you are dealt a pocket pair, the probability of getting a third card on the flop and then being dealt the same pair and getting a third card on the flop in both of the next two hands is this multiplied by 17, or about 1 / 415,488.

you need to cube the 144/1225 term, no?
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.

you need to cube the 144/1225 term, no?

Why, yes - yes, I do. Corrections to the original post have been made.Odds Of Flopping A Set
Thanks for the detailed response! So for the purposes of bragging, I can say that this was a 1 / 511,000,000 chance of happening then? In other words, I had a better chance of winning Powerball and will probably never see it again?

Odds Of Flopping A Straight

Odds Of Flopping A Set
Thanks for this post from:

Thanks for the detailed response! So for the purposes of bragging, I can say that this was a 1 / 511,000,000 chance of happening then? In other words, I had a better chance of winning Powerball and will probably never see it again?

1 / 511,000,000 is for three specific hands. If you're talking three consecutive hands in general when you have been dealt a pair, it's 1/17 of that, or about 1 / 30,000,000.